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Fitness Center Opening Update

Published: May 20, 2020

After consulting with our attorney, we have made the difficult decision not to open the Fitness Center, at this time, for the following reasons:

    •There is no way to have someone available during all the hours of operation, no matter how few, to make sure the machines are sanitized after each use, per the Governor’s rules for opening gyms.
    •The Fitness Center is full of porous surfaces – floor padding, seats, etc.
    •The Fitness Center is indoors vs the pool being outdoors

This decision is based solely upon our concern for our residents’ health and safety. If you watch the news, you will also see many commercial gyms have decided they are not ready to open for some of the same reasons.

We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope to have better news soon.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Shops at Prestonwood HOA

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