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Grills on Balconies

Published: October 03, 2020

Recently, a representative from our insurance company did an inspection of our community. He noted the following:“There are outdoor grills located on the patio areas of the property. This presents a significant exposure to endanger the building. All outdoor grills should not be permitted to be stored or used on any patio/balcony area and should only be used no less than 10 feet away from the building”.

Also, please see the below City of Carrollton ordinance regarding open flame grills, etc.

    Section 308.1.4; change to read as follows: 308.1.4 Open-flame cooking devices. Open-flame cooking devices, charcoal grills and other similar devices used for cooking shall not be located or used on combustible balconies, decks, or within 10 feet (3,048 mm) of combustible construction.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Click here to download and read the Grill on balcony letter

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